QuickBooks Online sync error: Type field is required for Item CREATE/UPDATE requests for Minor Version 51 or above.

Why the sync error occurs

This error occurs because QuickBooks Online supports only 3 item types: inventory, non-inventory, and service. Items of any other type will trigger this sync error when they try to sync to QuickBooks Online.

How to fix the sync error

If the item was created in Cashflow360:

Delete the item that is erroring.

  1. Select Settings
  2. Select Classifications under Accounting
  3. Select Items
  4. Select the delete icon

Re-create the item with the correct type

  1. Select Settings
  2. Select Classifications under Accounting
  3. Select Items
  4. Select New
  5. Enter item details
  6. Select Save

If the item synced over from QuickBooks Online to Cashflow360, update the type of the item in QuickBooks Online and run a sync to update the item in Cashflow360.

To avoid this error in the future, create items of type inventory, non-inventory, or service only.