Oracle NetSuite Sync Error: USER_ERROR: Please enter value(s) for: Location

Why the Sync Error occurs

This error occurs if Locations are set as a mandatory classification in NetSuite, but a default Location hasn't been selected in the Preferences in NetSuite.

How to Fix the Sync Error

Confirm that Locations are a mandatory classification in NetSuite:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences
  2. Under Classifications, locate Make Locations Mandatory

If the preference is checked (enabled), proceed to set a default Location in the Preferences in NetSuite:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Customization > List, Records, & Fields > Record Types
  2. Select List to the right of Preferences
  3. Select Edit against the subsidiary name
  4. Select the Transactions subtab
  5. Enter a value in the Default Payables Location field