Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central sync error: A null value was found for the property named 'Code', which has the expected type 'Edm.String[Nullable=False]'. The expected type 'Edm.String[Nullable=False]' does not allow null values.

Why the sync error occurs

This error occurs when a location is trying to sync from Cashflow360 to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (MSDBC), but the location ID is missing in Cashflow360. The location ID is required, and syncs to the location code in MSDBC.

How to fix the sync error

Add a location ID in Cashflow360.

  1. Select Settings
  2. Select Classifications under Accounting
  3. Select Locations
  4. Select the location named in the error
  5. Enter a location ID, and select Save
  6. Sync again