Create journals in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Create the following new journals in Microsoft Dynamics Business Central so you can track Cashflow360 payments separately.

Payment Journal

  1. Select the magnifying glass.
  2. Search for Payment Journals.
  3. Select Payment Journals.
  4. Enter name BDC_PJ.

Cash Receipt Journal

  1. Select the magnifying glass.
  2. Search for Cash Receipt Journals.
  3. Select Cash Receipt Journals.
  4. Enter name BDC_CRJ.

General Journal

  1. Select the magnifying glass.
  2. Search for General Journals.
  3. Select Payment Journals.
  4. Enter name BDC_GJ.

These are the journals to use in your sync preferences in Cashflow360 to sync transactions to Microsoft Dynamics Business Central.