Import vendors & chart of accounts from Thomson Reuters CBS
Cashflow360 allows the option to import data from Thomson Reuters.
Chart of Accounts
- In the Thomson Reuters CBS file, select the Checkwriter tab
- Select Reports
- Select Chart of Accounts and select Options
- Include all accounts
- Mark for single spacing
- Select OK
- Select Print Preview
- Once the preview of the list of accounts appears, select the Export option, the small envelope with a red arrow
- Once the Export screen appears, choose comma-separated values (CSV) as the format and Disk File as the Destination
- Select OK
- Confirm the file name to save the file
- Open the file in Excel
- Delete all columns except for account number, account description, and account type
- Begin with the same steps as above
- At Step 3, choose the Label option and preview
- Vendors will be printed out like labels
- Use the export option for the labels
- Again, there will be extra columns in the export file that will need to be deleted to narrow the information needed
Things to know
- The phone number doesn't come over using this format, but we don't recommend using a different format for Vendor information, because too much information is sent and the output file is very convoluted and there's no easy way to clean it up.