Sage Intacct sync - Multi-entity sync setup guide

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up the sync with Sage Intacct.

This guide will walk you through setting up a Multi-Entity Sage Intacct account with Cashflow360, syncing at the Entity level.

IMPORTANT: Review the Sage Intacct Sync User Guide before proceeding, to ensure this is the correct guide for your particular configuration.

Table of Contents


To perform the sync setup, the following will be required:

  • Full Admin access to Sage Intacct, with user role permissions
  • Admin/Accountant access to Cashflow360

Syncing to the Entity Level with a Multi-Entity Account

  • In this configuration, Cashflow360 will sync to the Entity Level in Sage Intacct. You will enter the Entity ID in the Sync > Login Info page within Cashflow360
    • Where to find the Entity ID:
      1. In Sage Intacct, go to the Root Level (top level)
      2. Go to Company > Entities
      3. The Entity ID will be on the left side of the page
    • All list objects (Vendors, Chart of Accounts, Customers, Departments, Locations, Items, etc.) will have a 2-way sync. They can either be created at the Root Level and shared to all Entities, or created at the Entity Level.
      • IMPORTANT: If list objects are created at the Root Level and shared to Entities, those list objects must be maintained in Sage Intacct, and not Cashflow360. This also means you must set the master in case of conflict to Intacct in your sync preferences, to avoid conflicting updates.
      • If a list object is created in Cashflow360, it will only sync to the entity level in Sage Intacct and will not be shared
    • By syncing at the Entity Level, bills and payments will ONLY sync to that Entity. Bills cannot be coded to any Entity other than the one it syncs to.


Create a Web Services Sync User in Sage Intacct

Create a user at the Root Level (top level) and give it full permissions. If you have multiple Cashflow360 accounts syncing with the Entity Level, you will use the same sync user credentials in Cashflow360, and distinguish each by adding the Entity ID when you enter your Sage Intacct Login Info later on in the set up process.

  1. Select the Applications drop down > Company > Select next to Web Services Users
  2. Add the following user info
    • User ID, First name, and Last name:
    • This username indicates a non-billable user and is used strictly for the integration.
    • Enter
    • Email address:
    • Use the email address of the person managing the Cashflow360 account or the sync.
    • User type:
    • Select Business
    • Admin privileges:
    • Select Full
  3. Select Save

Once the Web Services sync user is created, you'll receive an email from Sage Intacct containing a temporary password.

Add user

Assign permissions to sync user

Subscription based

  1. Select the Applications drop down > Company > Web Services Users > XML user > Subscriptions and enable Permissions for all Modules

  2. Select on each Application/Module and select All from the top right and save changes

    • Some modules have an additional Reports permission section, select All for Reports as well
      Permissions ALL detail

Role Based

If using Role-based permissions, create a new Role for the user, with access to all modules in Sage Intacct.

  1. Select Applications > Company > Select next to Roles
    New role

  2. Select on each Application/Module and select All from the top right and save changes

    • Some modules have an additional Reports permission section, select All for Reports as well
      Permissions ALL detail
  3. Select Save once all permissions have been enabled for the role

  4. Assign the new role to the user

    1. Go to Applications > Company > Web Services Users
    2. Select Edit next to the Sync user that was just created
    3. Select Roles information
    4. Select the Billcom Role that was just created
      assign role
  5. Select Save

Add to Web Services authorization

Add as a trusted Sender ID for Web Services.

  1. Select the Applications drop down > Company > Setup tab > Configuration >Company
  2. Select the Security tab
  3. Select Edit
  4. In the Web Services authorizations section, select Add
  5. In the Sender ID field, in all lower case letters
  6. Select Save

web sender

Install Customization Package

The customization package allows the ability to do the following:

  • In Cashflow360, track Sage Intacct updates for:
    • Deleted Departments, Locations, Vendors, Accounts, Classes, Customers, Items, Projects, Employees, Bills, and Invoices
    • A subscription to Customization Services in Sage Intacct is required.
    1. On the Home page, select Company > Subscriptions
    2. At Web Services, select Subscribe

Note: If using a powered solution through a bank/financial institution, the View Details in link will not be applicable.

Steps to Install

  1. Download the Customization Package to your desktop
    • This will be a one-time use file
    • Unzip the file and save to your desktop
  2. In Sage Intacct, go to Customization Services/Platform Services > Customization Packages > Add
  3. Select the saved file from your desktop
  4. Select Import

Additional Settings

  • Turn off Account Labels in the Sage Intacct Accounts Payable and Cash Management modules.

    1. Select the Applications drop down > Company > Admin tab > Subscriptions
    2. At Accounts Payable, select Configure
    3. Under Enable functionality, ensure Enable Account labels is not selected
    4. Select Save. You will be directed back to the Subscriptions page.
    5. At Cash Management, Select Configure.
    6. Under Accounting, ensure Account labels is not selected
    7. Select Save
  • If using Vendor Sequence numbering, enable auto numbering in Cashflow360. To determine whether Vendor Sequence numbering is used, or if Vendor IDs are entered manually in Sage Intacct:

    1. Select the Applications drop down > Company > Admin tab > Subscriptions
    2. At Accounts Payable, select Configure
    3. Under Document Sequencing, if Vendors is blank, no Vendor ID sequence is being used, and Vendor IDs are entered manually
  • Enabling auto-numbering in Cashflow360:

    1. In Cashflow360, select Settings
    2. Under Accounting, select Preferences
    3. For Vendor Sequence Id, select Use auto-numbering from the drop-down menu
    4. Select Save
  • The following steps are several changes required in Sage Intacct to correctly configure Accounts Payable.

    1. In Sage Intacct, select the Applications drop down > Company > Admin tab > Subscriptions > Configure on the Accounts Payable row

    2. Under Enable functionality

      • Ensure Enable reclassification for bills and adjustments is checked
      • Ensure Enable reversal of unpaid bills is unchecked.
        • This will ensure that updates to unpaid bills are able to sync from Cashflow360 to Sage Intacct
          Enable functionality
    3. Under 1099's

      • Select Enable 1099 flag override
        1099 setting
    4. Under Payment approval settings

      • Ensure Enable AP Payments approval is unchecked
        Payment approval settings
  • Configure Summary Frequency, in order to ensure objects like bills, invoices, payments, etc. can sync correctly:

    • In the Accounts Payable Configuration and Accounts Receivable Configuration sections, set Summary Frequency fields to Daily or Monthly.

    • Accounts Payable:
      AP summary frequency

    • Accounts Receivable:
      AR summary frequency

Before the First Sync

Before running the first sync, set Accounting Preferences settings in your Cashflow360 account.

Accounting Preferences

  1. Select Settings
  2. Under Accounting, Select Preferences
  3. Select the edit icon
    • Enable any applicable settings :
    • Show Account Numbers
    • Use Departments
    • Use Locations
    • Use Dimensions in Payables
      • Projects
      • Vendors
      • While enabling this dimension does not affect Cashflow360 functionality directly, it allows the vendor to sync to the top level as well as the line item level in Sage Intacct, allowing for greater reporting capabilities
      • Customers
      • Classes
      • Employees
      • Items
    • Vendor Sequence Id: See Additional Settings section above
    • Show Chart of Accounts on Bill and Invoice Items: Select No
      • The ability to edit accounts associated with Items should be managed in Sage Intacct
    • Show GL Posting Date: Select Yes
      • The GL Posting Date determines Sage Intacct Batch date; this ensures transactions appear in the proper period in Sage Intacct
    • Note: Show Vendor Id in Vendor Dropdown and Show Company Name in Customer Dropdown can be set to your preference. They will not affect the sync setup.
      Accounting preferences

Connect the sync

Enter Sage Intacct Credentials in Cashflow360

  1. Select Settings
  2. Under Sync, Select Setup
  3. Select Connect
  4. Select Continue in the popup window
  5. Enter Sage Intacct login credentials:
    • Company ID
    • Username - Use the user
    • Password - Check the email associated to the user. A password was emailed to that address when the user was created.
    • Entity ID - Enter the Entity ID for the Entity to sync with this Cashflow360 account
  6. Select Enable 1-way transactions sync (optional) if you want bills, invoices, and payments to only sync from Cashflow360 to Sage Intacct, and not from Sage Intacct to Cashflow360.
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: 1-way sync setting is permanent and cannot be reversed.
  7. Select Save
    • This will initiate the sync. The first sync brings over object lists (Customers, Vendors, etc.)
    • Transactions will not sync until the next section of the setup is complete
      Sync login

Sync Preferences

  1. Assign the default accounts/locations you'd like to use for the following settings:
    • Sync Automatically: Selecting this box ensures that the sync is run at least once daily. However, the sync can always be run more often manually via the Sync Now button.
    • Sync only Approved Bills and Vendor Credits: Checking this box allows only bills that have been fully Approved to sync to the accounting system. Bills in Assigned, Approving, Denied, or Unassigned status will not sync to the accounting system.
      • Once enabled, this preference cannot be changed. It should only be enabled if using an approval process for every bill/vendor credit in Cashflow360 and do not require the ability to report on unapproved payables in your accounting system.
    • Unallocated Expenses Account: If an expense account is not specified on a bill, the account selected for this preference will serve as a catch-all in your accounting system, where you know to look for bills that need to be coded. Common accounts used include Ask my Accountant, Miscellaneous, Uncategorized Expense, or Other Expense.
      • Accepted account types: Expense, Other Expense
    • Unallocated Income Account (if using Receivables) If an item or income account is not specified on an invoice, the account selected for this preference will serve as a catch-all in your accounting system, where you know to look for invoices that need to be coded. Common accounts used include Uncategorized Income or Suspense.
      • Accepted account type: Income
    • Default Bank Account: When marking a bill as paid outside of Cashflow360, this preference serves as the default payment account
      • Accepted account type: Bank
    • Deposit To Account: This preference sets the default account for posting offline payments received in the accounting system. It is recommended that the Undeposited Funds account be selected here so that payments are automatically grouped together in one account and available to be deposited in the future.
      • Accepted account types: Bank, Other Current Asset
    • Funds Transfer Location - If the Sage Intacct account is a shared company (Multi-Entity) specify the Location/Entity that the Funds Transfer journal entries should be posted to in Sage Intacct
    • Funds Transfer Department - the department in which the Funds Transfer journal entries should post can be specified here
    • Funds Transfer Journal Symbol: CDJ (Cash Disbursement Journal) or CD (Cash Disbursement). This can be viewed in Sage Intacct (General ledger > Open Setup > Journals)
    • Transaction Currency - Appears as US Dollar, and does not calculate currency conversion
    • Base Currency - US Dollars only
    • GL Account for Bank Account **XXXX: Select the GL account associated with the bank account listed in the preference name.
      • Accepted account type: Bank
    • Master in case of conflict: These settings depend on workflow
      • Make Sage Intacct the default for all: AP/AR workflow is managed in Sage Intacct
      • Make Cashflow360 the master: AP/AR workflow is managed in Cashflow360
      • Not sure: Keep the defaults
      • These settings can be updated anytime
  2. Select Save
  3. Sync again. If there are any sync errors, or if you have any questions, please contact Customer Support.

Things to Note

AR Functionality

If using Accounts Receivable in Sage Intacct, please create an AR Term to match the Payment Term you use in Cashflow360. To create an AR Term in Sage Intacct:

  1. Go to Accounts Receivable > Configure Accounts Receivable
  2. In the Setup section
  3. Select Add
  4. Give the AR Term the same name as the Payment Term in Cashflow360
  5. Select Save
  6. Sync again.

After the sync is complete, invoices will be able to sync over to Sage Intacct.

If all AR Terms are already created in Sage Intacct, please create them in Cashflow360. To create new Payment Terms in Cashflow360:

  1. Select Settings
  2. Under Accounting, select Payment Terms
  3. Select New
  4. Give the Payment Term the same name as the AR Term in Sage Intacct
  5. Select Save
  6. Sync again

Purchase Orders and Order Entry

  • The original Purchase Order will not be viewable in Cashflow360, if the Purchase Order number is entered into the Reference number field on the bill and vendor credits in Sage Intacct, the Purchase Order number will appear on bills and vendor credits when they sync over to Cashflow360.
  • Purchase/Sales Orders cannot be updated in Cashflow360 or in Sage Intacct. Bills or vendor credits created from Purchase Orders should be edited in Sage Intacct only, or sync errors may occur.

Credit Card GL's

  • Credit Card/Charge accounts should be created in Sage Intacct as a GL Account with a charge account assigned to it. This will appear as a Credit Card-type account in Cashflow360.

If you do not see the described feature available in Cashflow360, you may not have access to the feature based on permissions for your role and/or your plan does not have this feature. If you wish to get access to the feature, please review the available plans for Cashflow360 and upgrade accordingly or contact the Administrator of your Cashflow360 account. Changes in monthly user fees may apply.