Auto reminders for a customer invoice

In Cashflow360, it's easy to establish auto reminders, or to send a manual reminder, to let customers or clients know when an invoice is either past due or is coming up as due.

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Set up auto reminders

Establish templates for up to three auto reminders and set them up to go out at the most appropriate time.

  1. Select Settings
  2. Select Auto Reminders under Receivables
  3. Select which reminder to edit:
    • First
    • Second
    • Third
  4. Select the Edit icon
  5. Edit the following:
    • Enable the reminder by selecting the checkbox next to Email the customer
    • Determine how many days before or after the invoice due date the reminder should be sent
    • Determine the user the reminder should come from
    • Use our Subject line or edit it to your preference
    • Edit the body of the letter to your preference
    • On the right hand side, there are options in the drop down to enter tokens that will auto populate fields from the invoice
  6. Select Save

Turn off auto reminders

  1. Select Settings
  2. Select Auto Reminders under Receivables
  3. Select which reminder to disable
  4. Select the Edit icon
  5. Deselect the checkbox next to Email the customer
  6. Select Save

Send a manual reminder

  1. Select Invoices
  2. Select the invoice #
  3. Select Send reminder
  4. Select Send

Things to know

Auto reminders

  • We'll send up to 3 auto reminders
  • By default, auto reminders are off
  • When turned on, by default, auto reminders are set to 30, 60 and 90 days after the invoice is due
  • Reminders are sent to invoices that have more than $0 due, including partially paid invoices
  • By default, all contacts listed on the customer's record will receive the reminder email. You must delete a contact from a customer profile to exclude them from auto reminders.
  • The maximum amount of characters allowed in the template is 2,000
  • Auto reminders are sent, even if an invoice hasn't been emailed to a customer, in the following scenarios:
    • Adding additional contacts to customer records
    • Sending a note to the customer

Manual reminders

  • By default, all contacts listed on the customer's record will receive the reminder email. You must delete a contact from a customer profile to exclude them from auto reminders.
  • To remove contacts from the reminder email, delete them from the Email field before selecting Send
  • To add additional contacts to the reminder email, add them to the Email field with a comma separating each email address