QuickBooks Desktop sync setup - Hosting Providers list

Many hosting providers are familiar with the Bill.com sync dashboard and are able to install it on your desktop. When contacting your hosting provider, make sure to ask their support team (rather than your sales rep) to install the Bill.com sync dashboard.

After the Sync dashboard has been enabled on your Virtual Desktop, it's time to sync your Cashflow360 and hosted QuickBooks application for the first time.

Below are some hosting providers that may already be familiar with the Bill.com sync dashboard.

Hosting Provider Website Phone
CloudAspects www.cloudaspects.com 877.288.0166
Cloud9 www.cloud9realtime.com 888.869.0076
Eezycloud www.eezycloud.com 888.339.9979
Gotomyerp www.gotomyerp.com 877.888.5525 x3
InSynQ www.insynq.com 866.796.9925
IV Desk www.ivdesk.com 651.293.5030
MyRealData www.myrealdata.com 888.559.5650
Summit Hosting www.summithosting.com 888.228.0143
Personable www.personable.com 800.688.4281
Rightworks www.rightworks.com 888.417.4448 x2
Skyline Cloud Services by Unidata www.skylinecloudservices.com 718.312.3265
Swizznet www.swizznet.com 888.794.9948