Spam and the Inbox

To ensure that all documents are delivered into the Cashflow360 Inbox, we don't filter any emails sent to the Inbox email address. If spam arrives in the Cashflow360 Inbox, you can attempt to unsubscribe from future emails. Mark it as spam and we'll make attempts to limit these emails in the future.

Mark an Inbox item as Spam

  1. On the Inbox page, select the checkbox for the document to mark as Spam
  2. Select Spam
  3. Select Delete

Tip to prevent spam

An Inbox email address with a single simple word, for instance, tends to be easy for spammers to find and add to their blasts. To reduce the chance of spammers blasting messages to the Cashflow360 Inbox, we recommend using a more complex Inbox email address that's unique to your company, but still familiar to your vendors and customers. You can update the Inbox email address to something specific, like The Inbox email address must have at least eight (8) characters in front of the domain. Ideally, your company's Cashflow360 Inbox email address will have even more characters than that, adding to the complexity.