Approve and deny vendor credits and bills
You can approve bills and credits by accessing it from the Approvals page in the navigation menu or the Bill Approvals card on the Overview page.
- Filters
- Review and approve
- Approve without review
- Approval Groups
- Deny bills and credits
- Unapprove bills and credits
There are 4 preset filters on the Approvals page at the top of the list, which you can use to quickly filter:
- Needs your approval
- Upcoming
- Approved by you
- Denied by you
You can also manually filter the Approvals page using the Filters option, which filters by:
- Vendor Name
- Approval Type
- Ready to approve - Bills ready for you to approve
- Approved - Bills you previously approved
- Denied - Bills you have denied approval on
- Upcoming - Bills coming to you for approval after they've been approved by another approver
- Due Date
Review and approve
Approve bills
- Select Approvals in the navigation menu
- Select the Invoice # to approve
- Review bill details
- Select approve
Tip: Have more than one bill to approve? Select a bill, approve/deny it, then select Next Bill to move to the next bill or select Previous Bill to go back to a previous one.
Approve credits
- Select Approvals in the navigation menu
- Select the Vendor Credits tab
- Select the Review icon
- Select Approve
Approve without review
Approve bills
- Select Approvals in the navigation menu
- If there's a note on the bill, there will be a note icon
- Hover over the note icon or select the bill to see the note
- If there's a document associated, there will be a document icon; select this icon to display a preview of associated bill documents
- If there's a note on the bill, there will be a note icon
- Select the checkboxes of the bills to approve
- Select Approve
Approve credits
- Select Approvals in the navigation menu
- Select the Vendor Credits tab
- Select the checkbox under the Select column and then select Approve
Approval Groups
Approval groups are a designated group of approvers you setup and assign to bills or policies, then any one of those approvers in the group can approve the bill. You can use approval groups, single-user approvers, or a combination of both. Once one approver from the group has approved, the bill is routed to the next approver/approval group, or is marked as approved if no more approvers are listed.
Creating an approval group:
- Select Settings
- Select Approval Groups
- Select New
- Enter the approval group Name
- Enter an optional Description
- Select Save
- Check the Select box for all approvers you'd like in the approval group
- Select Save
Approval Groups: Things to Know
- You can add up to 10 users in an approval group
- Users can be in multiple groups
- A group cannot contain another group
- You can select approver groups when
- Selecting approvers on a bill
- Creating an approval policy
- Selecting default approvers in settings
- An approval group's name will be listed on the Overview and Approvals pages, in place of the approver user's name. You can hover over the group name to see a list of the first 3 members, and select to see them all
- Approval groups assigned to a bill will show 3-4 approver names by default, depending on character length. Select the "X more" link to see the full list of users in the group
- When a member of an approval group approves a bill, the bill will show the name of the member who approved, under the approval group name
- Approval notification emails will go out to all approvers in the group at the same time (based on their bills to approve email preference) and added to their to-do lists
- As soon as any 1 user in a group approves a bill, the to-do list item for that bill is removed from all users in that group
- The bill's audit trail will show the user who approved the bill but not that they were part of a group
- Adding or removing a user from the group will apply retroactively to bills assigned to that group
- Any new user added to a group will have a to do list item but will not get email notifications for bills the group was already assigned to. They will receive notification on future assigned bills
- If a group is inactivated, there will be a Fix Record to do item for administrator users to fix the bills the deleted group was assigned to
- If all users in an approval group are inactivated, the approval group will be inactivated
- If the inactivated approval group is assigned to a bill(s), the bill(s) will be routed to the next approvers in line, and a Fix Record to do item will be added to administrator user's to do lists to remove the group
- An email will go out to all users with manage company permissions, informing them that an approval group has been deactivated since all users in the group are inactive
Deny bills and credits
Deny bills
- Select Approvals in the navigation menu
- Select the Invoice # to approve
- Review bill details
- Select More actions
- Select Deny
- Select the appropriate option:
- Duplicate bill
- Data Entry Error
- Incorrect approver
- Other
- Add a comment to notify the bill creator why the bill wasn't approved.
- Tip: tag a user in the note using @ and they'll receive notification they've been tagged
- Select Deny bill
Deny Credits
- Select Approvals in the navigation menu
- Select the Vendor Credits tab
- Select the Review icon
- Add a note/message to tell the credit creator why you are denying
- Select Deny
We'll notify the bill or credit creator that the bill needs review, and they'll see the details you provide in the "Add more info" box.
Unapprove bills and credits
If you want to unapprove a bill or credit, it requires removing all approvers. You can then re-add them if needed.
Note: If the bill and vendor credit approval setting is set to Changes are not allowed, an Administrator user will need to edit the setting to:
- Allowed until every approver has approved - if the bill or vendor credit isn't fully approved yet
- Allowed anytime - if the bill or vendor credit has already been fully approved
The setting can be changed back once the approvers have been removed.
Unapprove bills
- Select Bills in the navigation menu
- Select the bill or credit you want to unapprove
- Select More Actions
- Select Audit Trail
- Hover over Bill Details and select Approvers
- Select [del all]
You can then edit the bill as needed and re-add approvers for re-approval.
Unapprove credits
- Select Bills in the navigation menu
- Select the Vendor Credits tab
- Select the credit ref# you want to unapprove
- Hover over Details and select Approvers
- Select [del all]
You can then edit the credit as needed and re-add approvers for re-approval.