Sync Integration with QuickBooks for Mac

The integration with QuickBooks for Mac involves a .CSV import/export process. Other QuickBooks options can be considered for Mac users.

Option A - Import/Export

Objects (e.g., vendors, chart of accounts, customers, items, etc.) are exported from QuickBooks for Mac into .CSV files, edited in Excel, and imported into Cashflow360. Bills and payments can then be exported from Cashflow360 via .CSV files, edited in Excel, and imported into QuickBooks for Mac.

Option B - Virtual Environment

Use QuickBooks Desktop in a Windows virtual environment (e.g., VMWare) on your Mac. Intuit can convert your QuickBooks for Mac file into a QuickBooks Desktop file.

Option C - Convert to QuickBooks Online

Intuit can convert your QuickBooks for Mac file into a QuickBooks Online file.