Payments In overview

On the Payments In screen, you can view receivables payment history, filter the payments, and charge customers or record manual payments.

Payment History

Payments can be filtered by status or process date.

The following information is available to view for payments:

  • Reference #
  • Customer
  • Payment Date
  • Payment Type
  • Status
  • Amount
  • Unapplied amount

Record a manual payment or charge a customer

Record a manual payment or charge a customer by:

  1. Select Payments In in the navigation menu
  2. Select Get Paid

Unapplied payments

Overpayment on an invoice or a payment initiated prior to an invoice is created will create a payment that isn't automatically applied to an invoice.

To access these types of payments:

  1. Select Payments In in the navigation menu
  2. Select the three dots menu

  1. Select Unapplied ePayments
    Unapplied ePayments link

On hold payments

If we're unable to deposit a payment in your bank account, they'll be shown under on hold payments. You'll want to select Manage Held Payments to choose how to manage them.

Important: Payments on hold will be voided and returned to the sender if no action is taken for over 90 days

To access on hold payments:

  1. Select the three dots menu

  2. Select On Hold
    On hold link