1099 filing

You can use Cashflow360 data with any 1099 solution that uses CSV files.

Step 1: Export your vendor list

  1. Select Settings
  2. Select Import/Export under Import/Export
  3. Select Export on the vendor row

Step 2: Filter out non-1099 vendors from the vendor export report

  1. Open the CSV file with Microsoft Excel
  2. Remove or delete all vendors coded "No" in the 1099 column
  3. The resulting list is your 1099 Vendors

Step 3: Export the list of payments

  1. Select Reports in the navigation menu
  2. Select Payables Cash Details Export under Export Reports
  3. Select Last year in the Date Range dropdown
  4. Select Download

Note: If there are over 5,000 transactions, you'll need to run smaller date ranges

Step 4: Filter out all non-1099 payments from the report

  1. Open the CSV file with Microsoft Excel
  2. Add a filter by selecting Data > Filter (or select the funnel icon)
  3. Select the filter for Vendor 1099 and select to view only True
  4. Select the filter for Dist Type and select to view only 6
  5. For Account Name (Account number will also work), select to filter out any non-1099 categorized accounts
  6. The resulting list is your 1099 Vendor Payments

Step 5: Filter your 1099 Vendor Payments list to show the sum paid for each vendor

  1. Open the CSV file with Microsoft Excel
  2. Select to create a new Pivot table based on the data exported
  3. Add a filter for Vendor 1099 and select True
  4. Add a filter for Dist Type and select 6
  5. Add a filter or account name (and/or number) and select your 1099 categorized accounts
  6. Drag the Vendor Name to the Row Labels
  7. Drag the Total Payment Amount to Sum Values
  8. The resulting list is the total Payments made per 1099 vendor

Step 6: Match the payments from the Payment List to your 1099 Vendor list

  • We recommend using the Excel vlookup function to match quickly and accurately
    • The resulting list is your 1099 Vendor & Payment list
    • Save the file as a CSV file
  • Make sure your 1099 vendor & payment list conforms to the CSV format required by your 1099 filing solution
    • Import the list