Billable line items
The term billable in this case, refers to resources that you can bill back to customers. For example, with professional service firms such as attorneys, accountants and consultants, the billable resource is typically time, but it can also be expenses and materials.
Making a line item billable on a vendor bill means you intend to bill a related customer back for that specific line item. This feature is only available on accounts that sync with an accounting system.
To mark a line item on a bill as billable in Cashflow360, you must enable the setting Use Customers/Jobs in Payables, and you must select a customer on billable line items.
Enable the setting Use Customers/Jobs in Payables
- Select Settings
- Select Preferences under Accounting
- Select Edit on the top right
- Select Yes for Use Customers/Jobs in Payables
- Select Save
Once you enable this, you'll see the billable toggle on line items when you create or edit bills.
Change the billable status of a line item on a bill:
When you create or edit a bill, toggle the Billable? setting on (green) to make a line item billable. Also, select a customer for the billable line item.
Things to know
- While Cashflow360 doesn't support the direct conversion of billable items to customer invoices at this time, your accounting system likely does. Please contact Support for your accounting system for assistance on that step, if needed.
- Bills created in your accounting system with billable items selected will sync to Cashflow360 without the billable flag if a customer invoice has been created from the bill before syncing.
- Billable line items do not sync with Xero