Oracle NetSuite: How sync works with locked and closed periods

If you sync with Oracle NetSuite, there are specific ways the sync handles locked or closed periods.

Closed periods

If a period is closed in Oracle NetSuite, transactions won't sync over from Cashflow360

To allow the sync to apply vendor credits in Oracle NetSuite when a period is closed, enable Non-GL Changes to the Accounting Period in Oracle NetSuite:

  1. Hover over Setup > Accounting, select Manage Accounting Periods
  2. Select the period in which the vendor credit is dated to edit the base period
  3. Check Allow Non-G/L Changes

Note: The vendor credit must already exist in Oracle NetSuite for the sync to apply it in a closed period. A new vendor credit won't sync to Oracle NetSuite if the period is closed, even if you enable Non-GL Changes to the Accounting Period in Oracle NetSuite.

Locked periods

If a period is locked in Oracle NetSuite, transactions will be allowed to sync over from Cashflow360.