iOS Mobile App for Collaborators: Approving and denying bills

With the BILL app for iOS, approving bills in Cashflow360 has never been easier; review, approve or deny bills anytime, anywhere.

From the To do items section on the dashboard, you will see how many bills have been assigned to you for approval. Select Approve < # of > bills to see the list, which you can filter by:

  • Due Date
    • Any
    • Overdue
    • Due Today
    • Due Next 7 Days
  • Sort By in Descending or Ascending order
    • Due Date
    • Amount

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Quick approvals

If you don't need to review bills before approving them, you can quickly approve from the Bills to Approve list.

  1. In your BILL app, select Approve < # of > Bills
  2. Approve bills:
    • Quick Approval: Swipe right on a bill in the list
    • Bulk Approval:
      1. Select Select in the top right corner
      2. Select the bills to approve
      3. Select Approve Selected

Review, approve and pay

You can quickly approve and pay a bill after reviewing it if you:

  • have a role with Pay permissions
  • are authorized on a bank account that has been verified in your Cashflow360 account
  • the only approver or the last approver in a chain
  1. In your BILL app, select Approve < # of > Bills
  2. Select a bill from the list to view more details
    • Add notes/communications about the bill by selecting the speech bubble icon in the top right corner
  3. Select More
  4. Select Approve and pay
  5. Select bank account to pay from
  6. Select Process date
  7. Select Submit Payment

Approve and Mark as Paid

If you have a role with the permission to record payments made outside of Cashflow360, you can approve and mark the bill as paid.

  1. In your BILL app, select Approve < # of > Bills
  2. Select a bill from the list to view more details
    • Add notes/communications about the bill by selecting the speech bubble icon in the top right corner
  3. Select More
  4. Select Approve and Mark as Paid
  5. Add or Edit any additional details ito save with the payment
  6. Select Done

Denying bills quickly

If you don't need to review the bills before denying them, you can quickly deny each bill individually from the Bills to Approve list. There is no option to bulk deny bills.

  1. In your BILL app, select Approve < # of > Bills
  2. Swipe left on a bill in the list
  3. Leave a note explaining why the approval was denied
  4. Select Done
  5. Select Finish

Review and deny

To review a bill before denying it:

  1. In your BILL app, select Approve < # of > Bills
  2. Select a bill from the list to view more details
    • Add notes/communications about the bill by selecting the speech bubble icon in the top right corner
  3. Select Deny
  4. Leave a note explaining why the approval was denied
  5. Select Finish