Create a new credit memo template
Create templates for the different types of credit memos. You might have to standardize what information needs to be included.
Creating a credit memo template
- Select Settings
- Select Credit Memo Templates under Receivables
- Select New
- Enter Credit Memo Template details
- Default - select this to be the default template for creating credit memos
- Name - name the template so that it's easy to recognize
- Style - select each to see a preview
- Clean
- Classic
- Modern
- Title
- General - Choose the fields to show on a credit memo using this template
- Items - Choose the fields to show on a credit memo using this template
- Summary - Choose the fields to show on a credit memo using this template
- Footer - Uncheck if not wanting customers to pay through the portal
- Customer Message - a default message that shows on the credit memo for customers
- Select Save