Auto-Pay for vendors
Auto-Pay lets you setup automatic payments for vendors. Administrator users who are bank authorized can set up Auto-Pay.
Tip: Set up recurring bills to be automatically created by the system then Auto-Pay can take care of the rest. See Resources below on how to set up recurring bills!
Setting up Auto-Pay for a vendor
- Select Vendors in the navigation menu
- Select the Vendor name to set up Auto-Pay for
- Select More actions then Edit Vendor
- Toggle Auto-Pay Setup to On
- Enter the maximum amount to be paid
- Maximum payment amount is the total amount that will be paid for each individual bill
- By default, the amount is set to pay the entire bill amount if there's no maximum payment amount set
- Enter number of bank business days before due date to Process Payment
- This is when the payment will be debited from the bank account, not when the payment will arrive to the vendor
- If you enter 0, the payment will be debited from the bank account on the due date of the bill
- Maximum allowed is 60, minimum allowed is 0
- Select the bank account to pay from
- Select Save
Things to know
- If you use an approval workflow requiring all bills to be fully approved before they can be paid, Auto-Pay won't run on a bill that hasn't been fully approved
- When a bill(s) for a vendor on Auto-Pay is created, and has approvers assigned, an email will be sent to all Admins letting them know approval is needed before the bill(s) will be auto paid. The email will indicate what date the bill(s) needs approval by to prevent the cancelation of the scheduled Auto-Pay.
- If the Auto-Pay is canceled due to lack of approval, all admins will receive a notification of the canceled payments, and payments will need to be manually rescheduled as Auto-Pay will not run once the bill(s) is approved.
- If you use Dual Control the payment approver will still need to take the approval action after the system schedules the payment.
- Auto-Pay will run on unpaid bills with no previous payments (including voided or canceled payments) up to the maximum amount
- Vendor credits are considered a payment and Auto-Pay won't run
- If a vendor has multiple unpaid bills due (or past due), the payment for those invoices will be grouped together into one charge
- If a bill is past due when Auto-Pay is enabled, or when the invoice is created, the payment will be debited from the bank account on the next business day
- If the process date is a holiday or weekend, the payment will be initiated on the next business day
- Auto-Pay only counts bank business days when calculating process dates
- When creating a bill, if the date in the Process Payment field requires a payment to be scheduled the same day, Auto-Pay will trigger about an hour after bill creation
Turn off Auto-Pay for a vendor
- Select Vendors in the navigation menu
- Select the Vendor name
- Select More actions then Edit Vendor
- Toggle Auto-Pay Setup to Off
- Select Save