Edit, delete, or restore an invoice
This article will help you edit, deactivate or restore an existing invoice.
If you need the steps to create a new invoice, please see the article linked at the bottom of this page.
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Edit an invoice
- Select Invoices in the navigation menu
- Select the Invoice Number
- Select Edit
- Edit details
- Select Save, Save & new or Preview & send
Delete an invoice
The invoice must be unpaid to be deleted.
- Select Invoices in the navigation menu
- Select the invoice number
- Select Delete
- Select Yes, delete to confirm
For auditing purposes, deactivated invoices can't be completely deleted from your account.
Restore an invoice
From the Invoices page
- Select Invoices in the navigation menu
- Select Filter
- Select Inactive under Show
- Select Apply
- Select the invoice number
- Select More actions
- Select Undelete Invoice
From a customer record
- Select Customers in the navigation menu
- Select the customer name
- On the Invoices tab, select Active and select Inactive
- Select the invoice number of the inactive invoice
- Select Undelete
Things to know
- Inactive invoices can be viewed from the Invoices tab on a Customer record, or on the Invoices page from the navigation menu, using the filters available.