- Xero sync erorr: An existing Invoice with the specified InvoiceID could not be found
- Xero sync error: "Please try syncing again. If this problem persists for more than 3 hours, please contact Customer Support"
- Xero sync error: "Xml for post data was invalid, '', hexadecimal value 0x04, is an invalid character. Line xx, position x"
- Xero sync error: A validation exception occurred. The invoice you are trying to allocate to has already been paid off Credit Note cannot be allocated as amount is greater than amount outstanding
- Xero sync error: Account code for chart of account must be unique
- Xero sync error: Account type is invalid for making a payment to/from Bank account status invalid for payment creation
- Xero sync error: Another invoice with this invoice number already exists in Xero
- Xero sync error: Bill could not be synced because related Vendor(s) didn't sync
- Xero sync error: BillPay could not be synced because related Bill(s) didn't sync
- Xero sync error: Books are closed in Xero - Transaction date is after period lock date. You can open your books (change period lock date be before transaction date) or change the transaction date (to be after period lock date) to sync this change.
- Xero sync error: Cannot transfer between the same bank account
- Xero sync error: Changes made don't match this vendor information in network
- Xero sync error: Contacts cannot be archived if they are associated with repeating invoices
- Xero sync error: Credit Note not of valid status for modification
- Xero sync error: Invalid entity data. poNumber: Maximum length cannot be greater than 40 characters
- Xero sync error: Invoice # must be unique
- Xero sync error: Invoice not of valid status for modification
- Xero sync error: Invoice on this payment is in Paid or Voided status in Xero
- Xero sync error: Missing Account Number
- Xero sync error: Missing GL account for bank account [bank account name]
- Xero sync error: Payment (bank) account is required for payments
- Xero sync error: Payment amount exceeds the amount outstanding on this document
- Xero sync error: Payment not of valid status for modification
- Xero sync error: Payments can only be made against authorised documents
- Xero sync error: Please enter a valid Bank Account Number. Please enter a unique Code
- Xero sync error: Sync cannot update chart of accounts of type bank in Xero
- Xero sync error: The Account Number already exists. Please enter a different Account Number.
- Xero sync error: The contact name is already assigned to another contact. The contact name must be unique across all active contacts
- Xero sync error: The contact with the specified contact details has been archived
- Xero sync error: The following fields are missing in XXXX Customer/Vendor for Xero
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